Why I Write

Selfie shadow. Hilton Head, South Carolina, April 2017

“Fasting would surely come into fashion again at some future date, yet that was no comfort for those living in the present. What, then, was the hunger artist to do?”
– Franz Kafka, “A Hunger Artist”
“In all her life she had never been afflicted by ill temper and she looked upon it now as a demon which, along with hunger, was taking possession of her soul.”
– Andre Dubus, “The Fat Girl”

Writing is pretty much like breathing: I would shrivel up and die if I couldn’t write.
I don’t make my living as a writer – I probably never will, but that’s okay.
On Amazon, I have self-published – no longer such a dirty term – a memoir, short story collection, and play.
In addition, I have published several short stories, essays, and articles in juried publications, including three academic articles, one of them appearing in a major publication.


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Earth as Seen from Apollo 11

Photo Credit: NASA

The banner on this site has been created from one of the most iconic photos in modern history: Earthrise as viewed from the Moon.

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